Sabtu, Desember 29, 2018

Masa Depan Penambangan Cryptocurrency Ada di HONEST MINING

Hallo , What's Up Guys !!!

     Dalam pengerjaan cryptocurrency itu kita butuh sesuatu yang berharga untuk terus di perjuangkan dan itu merupakan aset kita alias uang yang di miliki . Semuanya itu bisa berupa Trading ,Mining , Staking dll . Ketika seseorang mencari suatu keharusan dalam berinvestasi maka HONEST MINING adalah pilihannya dan ini wajib untuk di ikuti bagi para penambang . Sistem yg di kembangkan HONEST MINING sangat bagus untuk di kerjakan karena banyak di dukung oleh public figur yg terkenal seperti hal nya Oscar Darmawan , Edy Sulistyo dan William Sutanto.

    HONEST MINING memiliki semboyan seperti ini "Discover The Future of Crypto Mining" , Bearti sudah pasti kalau HONEST MINING memiliki tujuan penamvbangqn dengan memberikan kejujuran kepada para investor untuk proses yg di tambang dan memberikan kejujuran kepada investor dari segi proses sampai hasil penambangan . Kemudian HONEST MINING juga memudahkan untuk para investor karena dengan HONEST MINING bisa siapa saja bergabung ,dan saya melihat kutipan dari berita REPUBLIKA seperti ini "Dibangun mudah, karena jika sebelumnya cryptomining tidak bisa semua pihak memerlukan biaya besar seperti dalam penambangan masternode yang harus memiliki 1.000 dash, sedangkan satu dash bernilai Rp 2 juta, berarti setiap orang membutuhkan Rp 2 miliar untuk bergabung. Namun dengan Penambangan Jujur, siapa saja yang bergabung dengan cukup memiliki satu dasbor saja". dengan kata lain kalau seperti ini maka sudah pasti semua orang yg memiliki 1 DASH bisa mining koin di HONEST MINING.
    HONEST MINING juga di gunakan untuk menciptakan suatu platform dalam biaya penarikan ,voting komunitas dan biaya pemeliharaan . Sistem yangg sangat simpel dan mudah di mengerti karena ini adalah tahap dasar dari smartcontracts,tapi HONEST MINING smartcontracts dalam penggunanaan penambangan terhadap cryptocurrency . Jika Ethereum memiliki smartcontracts untuk penciptaan token baru yang di kumpulkan pendanaanya melalui ICO ,maka HONETS MINING  membuka smartcontracts untuk penambangan Cryptocurrecny.
     Sebuah karya yang bagus dari orang Indonesia karena ini bisa menciptakan pendapatan laba bagi warga Indonesia dari cryptocurrency . Sangat senang sekali melihatnya dan sudah pasti akan banyak yang mendukungnya. Aman, Mudah, Dapat diukur sejak hari pertama. HONEST MINING membuat penambangan mata uang kripto jauh lebih mudah dan dapat diakses untuk semua orang yang tertarik untuk menjadi penambang. Anda akan dapat menjadi bagian dari komunitas melalui proses yang tidak rumit dan mulai mendapatkan imbalan masternode sejak awal. HONEST MINING percaya bahwa kejujuran diperoleh melalui transparansi. HONEST MINING juga memiliki INSTANT MASTERNODE yang memungkinkan semua penambang memiliki keuntungannya tanpa ada fee yang tersembunyi ,karena dalam pilosofi dari HONEST MINING adalah kejujuran . Kemudian ada satu lagi yaitu Passive Rewards ,dimana bagian ini adalah hasil dari penambangan menggunakan HONEST MINING dan ini adalah uang murni untuk penambang,bisa dikatakanini gaji pokok untuk penambang .
   Cara kerja dari HONEST MINING ini sangat mudah dan sangat simpel untuk di kerjakan ,sekalipun bagi para pemula dan ini sangat simpel kerja nya . Pilih MasterNode - Deposit Coins - Pilih Kursi - Dapatkan Hadiah . Cara kerja yang sangat dan sangat simpel untuk di mengeti ,suidah pasti para pemula juga bisa melakukan hal seperti ini dan yang paling di sukai adalah bagian akhir dari HONEST MINING yaitu : Mendapatkan Hdiah . Yeaah !
     Banyak orang yang bertanya ,kenapa memilih HONEST MINING ? Apa hasil dari HONEST MINING? Seberapa amankah HONEST MINING ? . Dari ini kita menyimpulkan dan bisa memberikan masukan seperti ini : Daftar Mudah,bergabung dengan HONEST MINING hanya membutuhkan 4 langkah mudah dan hadiah dapat segera diperoleh. Penarikan mudah,mekanisme penarikan cepat dan transparan lengkap dengan fitur reinvestasi. Hadiah tanpa henti,masternode anda menghasilkan hadiah tanpa henti 24 jam sehari, 7 hari seminggu. Transparansi, Seluruh transparansi tanpa biaya tersembunyi. Memberi anda pandangan yang jelas tentang apa yang terjadi melalui pengumuman dan laporan. Keamanan,perlindungan informasi yang dijamin dapat membahayakan keselamatan pengguna dan platform kami. Otomasi yang kuat,proses dan fitur yang cepat, memungkinkan HONEST MINING berjalan secara mandiri dan efisien.

----Point Plus dari HONEST MINING ----
-Aman, Mudah, Dapat diukur sejak hari pertama.
-Di Dukung oleh CEO INDODAX (Oscar Darmawan)
-Masternode Instan
-Hadiah Pasif
-Langkah Mudah HONEST MINING: Pilih Masternode, Setorkan Koin, Pilih Kursi,Dapatkan Hadiah.
-Daftar Mudah.
-Penarikan Mudah.
-Hadiah Tanpa Henti.
-Otomasi yang Kuat.
This is the link to view  HONEST MINING      Project:

id Bitcointalk         : damsix
My Telegram     : @dam_six
My MEW      : 0x176D3D99BebD91F4Acec3B804D911CcA1D0483a7

Sabtu, Desember 22, 2018

HardCap from Contents Protocol , Awesome !!!!

Hallo What's Up Guysss!!!
Not so long for public sales and this takes a little time to reach the Finish point. Something that makes me proud of the Content Protocol sales of the perfect tokens for HardCap. The perfect achievement for Content Protocol because this is the first time I have seen sales of excellent tokens, only in a moment the sales have become HardCap.
In this digital world, there are certainly lots of devotees, like Youtube, Vimeo, Twitter and Facebook. With the Content Protocol, it has been confirmed that this is the latest breakthrough for all multimedia influencers. A very good progress developed by Content Protocol in the digital world, because there are so many features that have been developed including WATCHA, WATCHA PLAY, WATCHA MUSIC and WATCHA WEBTOON. The way it works is very easy and simple so that it is very quickly understood by the public. It might be the best choice such as the stage of Content Creations - DATA - Process with CONTENTS PROTOCOL - DATA process for improvement - Launching Music, Video and Movie that is ready to be seen by the Public. 
You will understand what the Contents Protocol has provided, because the creation of these tokens is used to provide a move of laughter to consumers. Like Youtube, which has provided good things in the media in the form of videos. Everyone can access the video, including young children, to study education, technology and other sciences. Facebook also has a large community in terms of social interaction, making it easier to continue to grow in social media. Tweeter has features in terms of fans who continue to want to request updates every time from the Public Figure. Content PRotocol then creates all of it to be integrated in a container called Contents Protocol. With such support, it is incomplete for the Content Protocol to continue to expand its business in the digital world. We know in the business of the digital world there are many well-known things like news for CNBC, ESPN, STAR SPORTS, SONY, FOX, BBC etc. And this is where the main factor to enter the ranks of the well-known digital business must always be in continuous cooperation. The rest of the Content Protocol must not be hostile to those who are already big with many fans or followers, but the Contents Protocol must always be in the active scope of cooperation.
Because of the problems mentioned above, a Contents Protocol was born to save the industry with the aim of addressing and resolving this problem in the content ecosystem, content protocols using the use of block chain technology to content ecosystems where data brings new value to content providers and consumers.
Content Protocol is here to ensure that providers of digital content such as movies, music, TV shows, and so on are decentralized to ensure that there is a direct relationship between content providers and consumers that will make content providers really know what consumers need, not consumer needs. . happening in the current content industry situation. The Content Protocol platform ensures that consumers are also compensated for their contributions that motivate them.
Content Protocol also has strong evidence that gets full support from Apple and Google Play users. Content Protocol already has strong evidence that many are used or downloaded from Apple Smartphones and Android. With this competition, it proves that Content Prtocol is accepted in the wider community and is definitely the best choice. We can know that everything can be seen from the quote from the main website from Content Protocol that reads like "Recognized Product
Winner of 'Best App of the Year' on both the Apple App Store and Google Play between 2013 and 2017. Ranked No. 19 for the combined total revenue on the Apple app Store and Google Play in 2017, according to AppAnnie. "
After we discuss for usability, cooperation and the advantages of the Content Protocol, we should discuss cooperation in terms of trade when it is for this. Contents Protocol is proven to work together with OKEX, if we know OKEX what is then a big mistake. LOL
OKEX is the largest cryptocurrency Exchange in ASIA, right from Korea. If Contents Protocol like this can work together with OKEX, then surely the Contents Protocol is very good to continue to be traded.

The very good system that was developed by the Content Protocol and certainly has the full support of the Investors and the community that continues to support this ICO success. And from all of the above we can conclude that the core topics that have been discussed are:

  • Sales tokens have sold out 420,000,000 CTP.
  • Contents Protocol In collaboration with HBO, DISNEY, SONY, FOX and BBC.
  • Contents Protocol has been awarded as the Best Application in 2013 and 2017 for Google Play and the Apple Store.
  • Contents Protocol has collaborated with OKEX to be ready for listing on the Exchange cryptocurrency.

This is the link to view   CONTENTS PROTOCOL    Project:
Official Website               :
id Bitcointalk         : damsix
My Telegram     : @dam_six
My MEW      : 0x176D3D99BebD91F4Acec3B804D911CcA1D0483a7

Kamis, Desember 20, 2018

Enak nya Trading di HitBTC , Yuk Join di Exchange ini !

Hallo ,What's up Mamennnn !!!
Apa kabar semua nya ?
Senang ketemu lagi ya bersama saya di Blog Spesial tentang lika-liku kehidupan di dunia cryptocurrency. LOL 
Topik ini kita akan membahas apa itu HitBTC dan keuntungan yg di berikan oleh HitBTC. Jika kalian tidak tahu apa itu HitBTC ,aduuuhhh selama ini kemana aja kalian? Hallooo !!
Nah di atas ini adalah Logo untuk HitBTC dan disana ada lambang Banteng ,what ?!
Kenapa harus Banteng sih ? ya mungkin karena Banteng menunjukan kalau pasar cryptocurrency itu selalu Bullish akan naik terus harga nya ,walaupun terkadang pasar cryptocurrency juga ada turun nya . LOL .
Kemudian kamu juga bisa lihat berapa rating nya HitBTC di CoinMarketCap dan disana HitBTC mendapatkan rating nomor 11 dengan volume BTC yg beredar di HitBTC itu sekitar :
 $ 345,682,769 USD
84,873 BTC
Gilaaaa man ! 84,873 BTC yg telah beredar di HitBTC dan itu bukan uang yg sedikit ,sungguh luar biasa bagi HitBTC dan menjadi pilihan terbaik untuk para traders Cryptocurrency Trading disana. Saya juga memiliki akun di HitBTC dan sering Trading disana ketika ada koin yang terjadi FlashDump dan saya sudah buy Order di harga paling rendah . Ketika ada rizqi maka sudah pasti saya akan mendapatkan untung dengan cara Buy Order tersebut.

Oke lanjut gaes !,sekarang kita langsung membahas tentang fee atau biaya Trading yang di tekankan oleh HitBTC . Saya melihat HitBTC sepertinya biasa saja untuk exchange yang lainnya karena fee untuk Taker nya itu sekitar 0.1% , dan kamu bisa cek semuanya untuk fee dari HitBTC ada  disni .
HitBTC juga memiliki banyak coin yg beredar di perdagangannya dan kamu bisa cek juga di CoinMarketCap ,semuanya ada disana dan lebih mudahnya saya rincikan untuk 809 tipe perdagangan yg pair dengan Bitcoin ,Ethereum ,USD dll. Maka dengan 809 coin yang sudah di perdagangkan maka sudah pasti disana juga terdapat banyak pendukung untuk HitBTC bisa naik lagi dari nomor 11 ke nomor 5 tapi semuanya itu juga butuh volume yang besar untuk menaikkan ranking HitBTC .

Saatnya terus berkarya dengan Trading di HitBTC ,karena disini di Exchange HitBTC selalu memberikan yg terbaik  untuk para Traders. Selain fee nya murah HitBTC juga memiliki dukungan penuh dari semua tim support yg online 24 jam . Jika kamu belum memiliki akun HitBTC ,jangan sampai ketinggalan dooonnnk untuk daftar dan Trading disana ,jangan sungkan-sungkan  untuk daftar di HitBTC dan kamu bisa daftar disini
Kita harus bangga dengan Koin yg di ciptakan oleh orang Indonesia ,seperti Tokenomy , Playgame ataupun ICO sekarang yang sedang Live seperti  HARA dan LYFE . Tapi kita beruntung mengenal HitBTC yg menerima koin PlayGame aka PXG listing disana . Sungguh pencapaian yg luar biasa produk Indonesia bisa listing di Market besar seperti HitBTC . Saya juga HODL  PXG di HitBTC hasil dari Bounty dan ini juga cara untuk mencari untung dari PXG di HitBTC.

Ayo  kita daftar di HitBTC dan jangan lupa trading disini .

Jumat, Desember 07, 2018

RockZ Get Full Support from the Swiss Franc 1:1 .

Hello What's Up Guys !!!
I hope you just enjoy it in a state to read my blog today.

RockZ yes, it's true I will explain about the RockZ project, aka Alprockz. An ICO project that will continue to be developed for Fiat's future and cryptocurrency to keep on side by side.

RockZ will be very strong and there will be no FlashDump and FlashPump because RockZ is supported by Swiss Franc 1: 1. With goals like this, it will be even better in achieving a Stable ICO Coin project.
We also know that RockZ gets the same rival as the LBX alias London Block Exchange. If London Block EXchange is a pair with Euro and GBP and certainly has a head office in the UK. The London Block Exchange is also still an ongoing ICO and almost similarly starts with RockZ. Okay, but we won't discuss London Block EXchane LOL
Switzerland is indeed the second most fertile country and is not shaken by the economic conditions outside which always rise and fall. So all ICO experts created a stable coin with Fiat Swiss Franc and could still continue to contribute in the cryptocurrecny world. The Cryptocurrency market is now experiencing a sharp decline and is very much felt by Bitcoin traders. Many Exchange experience losses and among them Bitmain , also claimed that the company suffered a loss of around 740,000,000 USD and that was not a little money. If you continue to force it will not happen to back up and it will definitely experience a big loss. But RockZ is not such a thing, because RockZ is an ICO coin based on 1: 1 Swiss Franc and it is certain that the RockZ coin will continue to be stable as it is Tether, trueUSD, Digix and bitUSD.

RockZ also has full support from CryptoValley and it is definitely proven for financial security from RockZ. CryptoValley is an enthusiastic cryptocurrrency community from Switzerland and has the full support of every member of nearly 800 people who have joined CryptoValley and this is definitely RockZ's full support. So on the basis of this RockZ was created to accelerate Swiss Franc transactions with the fastest and most trusted cryptocurrency using RockZ.

RockZ also has the symbol "ROCKZ IS THE WORLD 'S MOST BULLETPROOF CRYPTOCURRENCY" and it is certain that RockZ has strong enough evidence for stable coins and is sure to get the best profit when listing on the Exchange. A good belief for Swiss people who are anti-loss and this makes RockZ the top choice for cryptocurrency traders. Then RockZ has a good comparison with Tether, trueUSD, Digix and bitUSD. You can also see the comparison below.
All of RockZ has full support for these comparisons and this makes Rockz continue to exist when the market is dropping because those who support RockZ are Swiss Francs.
Audit Track Record must always be there for stable coins like RockZ and the picture above shows that the Tether does not have an Audit Track record of the USD circulating in the market and that it is very dangerous for the Hodler Tether, because if it continues to be let me make sure it happens manipulation of Tether. If that happens then it is definitely a real loss. The above comparison means that the evidence is strong enough to prove that RockZ will continue to protect the Swiss Franc because if a lot of RockZ are circulating and not commensurate with the Swiss Franc, inflation from RockZ can occur and the end will turn RockZ into a DUMP and it won't happen. establishing strict and strong laws for operations and law enforcement of RockZ coins. Issuance and release of RockZ is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Swiss Regulation. With this condition, RockZ certainly gets the best recognition from the Swiss country.

RockZ grows new adoption rates for various market players. RockZ removes the market problem by connecting coins to one of the world's stable currencies, reducing them to a minimum. This strength is what makes RockZ's price will continue to be stable and this has become the best in the future. RockZ is a stable coin, supported by fiat and has no counterparty, market or unnecessary consequences. This makes RockZ a reliable tool for various investors who want to improve them and hold them at RockZ throughout the turbulent times. RockZ is stable, permanently backed by fiat and doesn't have unnecessary counterparties, market or security risks. This makes RockZ a reliable tool to fix their profit and hold it in RockZ during turbulent times. RockZ doesn't fluctuate due to its direct link to Swiss Franc. Professional investors can use risk to diversify their risk portfolio during times of high volatility.Since the value of ROCKZ is stable, it is usually used as fiat currencies. This is an easy, safe and fast way to receive or pay for goods or services. Because of the cash-like equivalent feature of RockZ, coin holders can use RockZ as collateral to invest in the crypto world. RockZ will be accepted as a cash equivalent collateral by crypto exchanges.

RockZ - A stable coin with a 1: 1 Swiss Franc.
RockZ - Dare to compete with the ICO London Block Exchange.
RockZ - Get full support from the Swiss Conventional Bank.
RockZ - Has full value when compared with Tether, trueUSD, Digix and bitUSD.
This is the link to view    RockZ   Project:
Official Website                 :
Whitepaper                       :
Bitcointalk Ann             :
Bitcointalk Bounty    :
My Bitcointalk Profile :;u=1276250
id Bitcointalk         : damsix
My Telegram     : @dam_six
My MEW      : 0x176D3D99BebD91F4Acec3B804D911CcA1D0483a7

Sabtu, Desember 01, 2018

LBXPay Bagian Penting dalam Proyek LBX

Saya akan menjelaskan untuk proyek ini bagaiamana cara bekerja nya LBXPay dari LBX ICO .
sangat bagus untuk di ikuti dan ini menjadi rekomendasi dari semua investor .

"The London Block Exchange, LBX, dengan bangga mengumumkan rilis akun pembayaran cryptocurrency baru mereka, LBXPay, yang akan memberikan bisnis mulai dari UKM ke ICO akses ke akun di mana mereka dapat menyimpan, mengelola dan mentransfer mata uang fiat dan cryptocurrency mereka saham.
LBX juga memiliki Semua nya kamu butuhkan dan itu sudah pasti ada aplikasi nya yg bisa kamu Download di APPstore ,Aplikasi untuk Smartphone APPLE dan link nya bisa kamu klik di bawah ini :

Kemudian LBX juga menciptakan  Aplikasi untuk Android ,kamu bisa Download di bawah ini :

Awalnya ditujukan untuk sektor bisnis ini, LBXPay akan memungkinkan mereka yang terlibat dalam industri cryptocurrency - seperti ICO, pedagang dan dana - untuk mengelola kepemilikan mereka dengan percaya diri, karena akun mereka tidak akan dalam bahaya untuk berurusan dengan hasil cryptocurrency. Akun ini juga akan memberikan kemudahan untuk dapat mengkonversi kepemilikan antara fiat dan cryptocurrency dengan cepat, mudah dan tanpa harus memindahkan dana antar akun atau penyedia layanan. Di ciptakan untuk mempermudah transaksi dan hampir semua ICO sudah pastik memiliki apliksai yg terhudung ke Windows, Ubuntu , Linux dan MAC dan Andorid . LBX memberikan kemudahan untuk semua nya kepada para pedagang cryptocurrency .

LBXPay akan memungkinkan penggunanya untuk mengelola semua saldo, perdagangan, dan pembayaran - termasuk pembayaran kepada pihak ketiga dan pembayaran batch - melalui aplikasi LBX. Bagi mereka dengan volume dan permintaan yang lebih besar, akan ada akses fleksibel ke meja OTC LBX dan, dari Q1 2019, akses ke API yang terhubung langsung ke akun LBXPay mereka.
Sama seperti hal nya Aplikasi yg terhubung dalam Bank Fiat dan itu sudah pasti jadi andalan bagi semua orang untuk mempermudah semua aset yg di miliki . Ini adalah kelebihan yg penuh yg di berikan oleh LBXpay dan sudah pasti menjadi bagian terpenting bagi para investors untuk LBX.

Semua kepemilikan fiat dalam rekening LBXPay akan disimpan dalam rekening bank terpisah, masing-masing dengan IBAN khusus dan layanan laporan bulanan. Semua kepemilikan cryptocurrency akan disimpan dengan aman di cold storage.
Kenapa harus terpisah?
Karena dengan terpisah memungkinkan untuk semua nya menjadi mudah dan decentralized. Karena semua cryptocurrency itu pada dasar nya tidak terpusat .

Akun LBXPay akan dikenakan biaya bulanan yang dibayarkan dalam GBP atau, untuk tarif berdiskon besar, di LBXu - token asli LBX yang tersedia sekarang dalam penjualan token mereka. Tak lama setelah dirilis untuk bisnis, LBX berencana untuk meluncurkan versi ritel LBXPay, di mana itu akan memberikan semua konsumen dengan cara baru untuk berinteraksi dengan cryptocurrency mereka. " Sangat ringan biaya transaksi bagi para investor dan membuat nyaman dalam transaksi bersama LBXpay.

LBX dibuka pada bulan November 2017 untuk perdagangan OTC dan selain perbankan Inggris dan aplikasi yang mudah digunakan yang didukung oleh layanan pelanggan kelas dunia di London, juga mengikuti protokol KYC / AML yang ketat. Anggota juga menerima laporan pasar hariannya yang diakui, yang juga dapat dilihat di Telegram pada saluran LBX News. Semua iCO juga harus menggunakan KYC supaya bisa mengenali para investor yg ada dan membuat semua bisa tenang dalam menghadapi masalah di masa depan .

#tokensale #lbxrealcrypto #lbxpay #LBXu #LBXPeg #lbx 
This is the link to view   LBX London Block Exchange     Project:
Official Website               :
Whitepaper                   :
Bitcointalk Ann           :
Bitcointalk Bounty    :
My Bitcointalk Profile :;u=1276250
id Bitcointalk         : damsix
My Telegram     : @dam_six
My MEW      : 0x176D3D99BebD91F4Acec3B804D911CcA1D0483a7

LBX Created LBXpeg for 1:1 with GBP

Hello What's Up Friends!
Come again with me Damsix aka Adam Herdiana Pradana.
#tokensale #lbxrealcrypto #lbxpay #LBXu #LBXPeg #lbx
Here on this blog I will explain how to have more benefits than LBX (London Block Exchange).
Among the advantages LBX also has something common in the world of Cryptocurrency and all of them can be checked as below:
Buy, sell and store real cryptocurrencies.
Trade BTC, ETH, LTC, XRP and many more.
Extensive schedule of new coins and tokens listings.
Real, personalized suppor customers.

LBX is a product that is being developed from the UK and is making LBX tokens, LBX Exchange, LBXpay and LBXpeg. All LBX projects are very good to follow because they have a good foundation of vision and mission in the future by doing similarities between Tokens, Exchange which are equated with GBP aka Pound Sterling.

The current ICO is very strong to provide financial perfection that is pegged in GBP aka Pound. The system is sophisticated and good for LBX finance, so it makes me sure when the listing on the Exchange will not occur DUMP. Many people are asking about this, like this:
- Is when listing on Exchange good for price issues, like DUMP won't happen?
- What makes the LBX price stable and equal to GBP?
- Which investor is able to enter for LBX.
- Why does LBX use ERC-621 type tokens for LBXpeg?
The answer to all this can be explained on the LBX platform and all the information is on the main website. For ERC-621 we can also search for everything on Google, but maybe I'll give a summary like this :
ERC-621 is an extension of the ERC-20 standard token. It adds two additional functions, increase Supply anddecrease Supply. This can increase and decrease the supply in circulation tokens. ERC-20 only allows a single issuance event token. This is a certain amount which can’t be changed. ERC-621 proposes that total supply can be modified.

When LBX gives a good and good demonstration for the future, I make sure LBXpeg will feel easy because with the supply of GBP there must be the same as the LBXpeg supply and that's the function of ERC-621 which can be adjusted for the advantages and disadvantages of tokens. When carrying out audits for GBP that are currently circulating in markets all over the world, ERC-621 must also be able to match the total supply available and when there is a reduction it must be able to be added and if it is surplus then it can be reduced for LBXpeg tokens.
The LBX system also creates a good masterpiece for the future, specifically for the British and the general public for Pounds Sterling throughout the world. So, LBX also creates LBXpeg to match the PoundSterling which is equal to 1: 1.
Just look at how it works TrueUSD (TUSD) or Tether (USDT) whose prices are equivalent to USD and both of these coins are stable following the real price of USD.
I hope LBXpeg can also be as stable as USDT and TUSD. We can see that this British society does not feel anxious in their finances and I am sure that the English community is also well-established, fertile and prosperous.So, the British people also don't want to have strange finances that always go up and down when the market is collapsing like from Cryptocurrency, so LBXpeg is created which is equivalent to GBP, which is 1:1.

London Block Exchange is the only London-based cryptocurrency exchange that offers UK Banking that is protected. Exchange has been built to help consumers and institutions throughout the country and the world to join the digital money revolution. We focus on security, customer experience and education.

The LBX Over-the-Counter (OTC) service offers:
- Trading execution of more than £ 100,000
  = Using this feature allows all investors to make it easier for the bus to follow Trading on the LBX Exchange.
- Trade in Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, Bitcoin Cash & Ethereum Classic and more.
  = Almost all cryptocurrency always comes and gives new things, including Bitcoin and altcoins that keep coming like this, like LBX.
- Cryptocurrency paired with GBP and EUR.
  = What is most awaited in every case for the launch of LBX is this. Namely a fair trade with GBP and EUR. Great!
- Special account manager.
   = Provides very simple convenience for investors to manage every financial on the LBX Exchange.
- High customer service standards.
   = Certainly this must be in every business sector, because friendly service makes everything easy and appreciated.
- Deep market knowledge and recognized daily market updates.
   = The LBX Exchange always updates to give the best to its customers and this must be in every cryptocurrency.

OK, don't miss to buy LBX tokens because you can get everything on the main website from LBX.
Don't forget to register first, and this is the link  = Buy LBX Token

#tokensale #lbxrealcrypto #lbxpay #LBXu #LBXPeg #lbx 
This is the link to view   LBX London Block Exchange     Project:
Official Website               :
Whitepaper                   :
Bitcointalk Ann           :
Bitcointalk Bounty    :
My Bitcointalk Profile :;u=1276250
id Bitcointalk         : damsix
My Telegram     : @dam_six
My MEW      : 0x176D3D99BebD91F4Acec3B804D911CcA1D0483a7