Selasa, Februari 26, 2019

CAT.EX has a Good Buy Back Method for Investors and Traders

Gotchaaaaaaaaaa !!!
Morning brother, i hope you fine there.

   It's been a long time since I wrote again on this favorite Blog and when I saw a lot of news about Exchange Cryptocurrency it was very worthy to be captured in this Blog. The Cryptocurrency market is sluggish but in fact investors are still coming in creating the Exchange. We also ask ourselves;

What are the benefits of the Exchange?
What is the usefulness of Exchange?
Is the Exchange profitable?

    In this case I see Exchange Cat.ex provides a lot of features and advantages that are extraordinary when compared to Exchange that has the same age as Cat.ex. This will be the latest breakthrough for investors who are ready to work together in terms of taking advantage of the Exchange and also for traders who are ready with some good features from Cat.ex. The categories that can be seen in Cat.ex are very numerous, including the Index, Trading, Assets, Announcement, FAQ, Voting and Buyback.
    I kept looking for information about Cat.ex on the exchange platform and when I looked at the adri section of the Cat.ex website found the financial circulation at Cat.ex for 24 hours was around $ 628,681.97 (when I wrote the Blog). This value for Cat.ex is very large and it can compare with Exchange, whose age is the same as the time of manufacture. This financial volume will continue to rise in price as the system grows which is updated every time possible will continue to make traders and investors comfortable . The creation of Cat.ex has been easily and simply enabled, making it easier for traders to trade all cryptocurrency assets.
   There are many cryptocurrency ready to be traded in Cat.ex, for now there are 20+ altcoins that can be traded with Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDT and DOGE. This will continue to increase to trade altcoins as time goes by and surely this is becoming the best choice for traders and investors. Cat.ex itself has coins for trading, namely CATEX with CATT symbols. When I wrote this article the price of CATT was around 10-11 Satoshi and had a trading volume of around 0.5 Bitcoin. The market is Bearish but CATT still has Bitcoin Volume for traders and it is certain that this new hope for Cat.ex is increasing its trade expansion and there is still a lot of hope to raise prices.
   The Announcement feature makes it easier to see news, whether it's good news or bad news. We all know that the news is very dominating in cryptocurrency. I often trade at Binance and the local market, for price increases and reduced prices it depends on the news. Cat.ex's announcement made all investors and traders continue to contribute the best in trading and they can also take advantage of the Announcement. Even for the Bitcointalk forum, it has definitely had Annouuncement in every coin creation by the development team and all of that is checked by the moderator forum Bitcointalk.

Is there still something to look for on the Cat.ex main website?
Do you not understand how Cat.ex works?
Do you still doubt Cat.ex?

   If you don't understand the article above, I can't help but explain something related to Coint List Voting. For this pase we all win if these altcoins continue to fly in the world of cryptocurrency, it must be traded continuously in order to have a large volume of coin acquisition and sale. The voting usually uses coins that have been provided by the platform. The voting uses a CATT or CATEX Coin. This will make CATEX continue to have purchases, because every time there are coins, the listing must buy CATEX and this is a positive thing for Cat.ex. If you don't understand this, then you can check everything here :  Rules Coin Listing
    If you have seen the Rules then you can also see for the ERC20 token it has a fee of around 5 CATT and it is very cheap if the price of CATT is now around 11 Satoshi. And if it's not from ERC20, it will wear more than 5 CATTs. This is only part of the description that is already in the link.

   BuyBaaaaaaaack, buyback !!!!!!
  This system is the one I like the most about Cat.ex because it certainly benefits traders and Investors. If I was told to give this rating then I would better give a rating of 80% of the total Cat.ex features. As far as I know Cat.ex is the first Exchange platform that I know of using the BuyBack method. We don't need to worry about any concerns about Hodler Cat.ex because this will be profitable if at HODL it arrives to sell. BuyBack gives the opportunity for HODLER and also investors and traders can get full trust in continuing to trade on Cat.ex, I also see that this is a proper and feasible system copied by all exchanges because this can make all exchanges will continue to be attracted by investors and traders.

The discussion of Cat.ex above we can conclude:

- Cat.ex has a feature for Coin Listing Voting.
- Cat.ex has an Announcement for news updates.
- Cat.ex has 20 ++ cryptocurrency ready to be traded.
- Cat.ex has a volume of USD that continues to rise day by day.
- Cat.ex has a very supportive BuyBack system for traders and Iventors.

"If you don't understand the article above, it's better to ask further at the telegram. @dam_six " 
This is the link to view    Cat.ex   Project:

Official Website                 :
Telegram                         :
Bitcointalk Ann            :
id Bitcointalk         : damsix
My Telegram     : @dam_six
My MEW      : 0x176D3D99BebD91F4Acec3B804D911CcA1D0483a7

Senin, Februari 18, 2019

3 Tahap Utama Melaksanakan Tugas Kaur Perencanaan Di Desa Lingkungan Pemerintahan

Tahap Utama Melaksanakan Tugas Kaur Perencanaan Di Desa

Pemahaman tentang Tugas Kepala Urusan Perencanaan yang ada di Pemerintahan Desa saat ini umumnya masih bingung menerjemahkan fungsi dari Kepala Urusan  perencanaan seperti dalam Permendagri Nomor 84 Tahun 2015, mereka butuh pengertian yang lebih praktis dan konkrit dalam memahami tugas dan fungsinya.

Penjabaran yang menggambarkan tugas-tugas dari Kepala Urusan  Perencanaan dari awal, atau mulainya dari mana sampai akhirnya bagaimana, ternyata masih diperlukan untuk membantu memberi pemahaman yang bersifat kronologis dan menyentuh pengertian filosofis. Sehingga Kepala Urusan  perencanaan mampu melaksanakan tugasnya dengan kesadaran dan pengertian yang benar.

Menurut Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 84 Tahun 2015 Tentang Susunan Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Pemerintah Desa, Kepala Urusan  Perencanaan berkedudukan sebagai unsur staff Sekretariat. Bertugas membantu Sekretaris Desa dalam urusan pelayanan administrasi pendukung pelaksanaan tugas-tugas pemerintahan, fungsinya mengkoordinasikan urusan perencanaan seperti menyusun rencana anggaran pendapatan dan belanja desa, menginventarisir data-data dalam rangka pembangunan, melakukan monitoring dan evaluasi program, serta penyusunan laporan.

Sebagaimana diatur di dalam Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri No. 114 tahun 2014, tentang Pedoman Pembangunan Desa, disebutkan bahwa Perencanaan pembangunan desa adalah proses tahapan kegiatan yang diselenggarakan oleh pemerintah Desa dengan melibatkan Badan Permusyawaratan Desa dan unsur masyarakat secara partisipatif guna pemanfaatan dan pengalokasian sumber daya Desa dalam rangka mencapai tujuan pembangunan Desa.

Menyusun sebuah rencana yang baik mestinya didukung oleh sejumlah data dan informasi yang memadai agar rencana yang disusun dapat memecahkan masalah yang ditemui atau dialami masyarakat desa melalui potensi yang dimilikinya.

Ada 4 tahap utama didalam melaksanakan pekerjaan sebagai Kepala Urusan Perencanaan, yaitu;

Tahap Pertama
Kepala Urusan  Perencanaan Harus memiliki dan menguasai data atau dokumen yang berhubungan dengan Perencanaan Pembangunan di Desa.

Berikut Data dan Sumber data atau Dokumen yang harus dimiliki oleh Kepala Urusan  Perencanaan di Desa :

Peraturan Desa tentang Kewenangan Desa Berdasarkan Hak Asal Usul dan Kewenangan Lokal Berskala Desa
Peraturan Desa tentang Pengelolaan Aset Desa
Dokumen Profil Desa
Daftar Inventaris Aset Desa
RPJM Daerah Kabupaten
RKP Desa
Laporan Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Desa
Kalender Kerja Pemerintahan Desa / Rencana Kerja Tindak Lanjut (RKTL)
Pedoman atau Panduan Analisa Hasil Satuan Pekerjaan (AHSP) Bidang Pekerjaan Umum. 
Pedoman Indeks Harga yang dikeluarkan oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten.
Untuk memahami Data atau isi dari Dokumen diatas, sebaiknya Kepala Urusan  Perencanaan terlibat langsung dalam menyusun dokumen-dokumen tersebut. Walaupun sesungguhnya beberapa diantara dokumen tersebut disusun oleh petugas tersendiri. Sebagai Contoh : Profil Desa di susun oleh Kasi Pemerintahan, dan Daftar Inventaris Aset Desa disusun oleh Kepala Urusan  Tata Usaha dan umum. Namun Kepala Urusan  Perencanaan diharapkan memeriksa dokumen Profil Desa dan Daftar Inventaris Aset tersebut untuk memberi masukan kepada Sekretaris Desa.

Tahap ke Dua
Kepala Urusan  Perencanaan Membuat Rencana Kerja Tindak Lanjut (RKTL) berdasarkan Kalender Kerja Pemerintah Desa :

Kapan dimulainya pelaksanaan pembangunan dalam tahun berjalan sebagimana yang telah disusunnya.
Kapan Mulai Mempersiapkan dokumen administrasi untuk membantu sekdes membuat Laporan Realisasi APBDesa  6 Bulanan dan 1 tahun?
Kapan Mulai Membantu sekdes dalam Memeriksa, Monitoring dan mengevaluasi pelaksanaan kegiatan dan laporan kegiatan yang dilaksanakan oleh Pelaksana Kegiatan (PK)/ Kasi sebagai bahan untuk membuat catatan rekomendasi dalam perencanaan yang akan datang atau tahun berikutnya ?
Kapan Mulai Membantu Sekdes Mempersiapkan data, bahan dan materi Musdes Perencanaan Pembangunan/RKP Desa atau RPJMDesa penyelarasan ?
Kapan Mulai Membantu Sekdes Mempersiapkan dan menyusun RAPBDesa ?
Kapan Mulai Membantu Sekdes memfasilitasi, koordinasi penyusunan Kalender Kerja Pemerintah desa dalam 1 tahun ?

Tahap ke Tiga
Kepala Urusan  Perencanaan Melaksanakan rencana kerja sesuai dengan Kalender kerja Kepala Urusan Perencanaan, dengan tetap melaporkan segala sesuatunya kepada Sekdes. Contoh : Dalam melaksanakan Monitoring dan evaluasi pelaksanaan kegiatan yang dilaksanakan oleh Pelaksana Kegiatan atau Kasi, Kepala Urusan  Perencanaan menggunakan Dokumen Perencanaan (Proposal dan RAB) sebagai alat Monitoring dan Evaluasi. 
Apakah pelaksanaan kegiatan sudah sesuai dengan perencanaan? Apakah ada masalah selama pelaksanaan kegiatan? 
Kemudian apa yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah? 

Jadi dari pembahasan di atas kita bisa menyimpulkann untuk Tugas Dan Fungsi Kaur Perencanaan Adalah : 

1. Mengumpulkan dan memformulasikan data untuk bahan penyusunan program dan 
perencanaan pengelolaan keuangan dan kekayaan desa; 
2. Menyusun program kerja pelaksanaan tugas dan perencanaan desa; 
3. Mengumpulkan dan menyiapkan bahan penyusunan program dan perencanaan desa; 
4. Menyusun dan menyiapkan bahan untuk analisis dan evaluasi penyusunan laporan pelaksanaan program dan perencanaan; 
5. Mengumpulkan dan menyiapkan penyusunan program kerja pelaksanaan tugas kerja bersama;
6. Melaksanakan tugas lain yang telah diberikan oleh kepala desa sesuai dengan tugas dan fungsinya. 

Semoga Bermanfaat , Salam Blogger !!!

Sabtu, Februari 16, 2019

Features of Velic very Extraordinary !!!

Gotchaaaaaaa !!!
How are you today mate?
Did you get a surprise in Valentine Days?

If you don't get a prize in Valentine Days then I make sure you will get a prize from VELIC. You just need to register here and then you will get a prize from VElic which is a total of around 640,000 ICX and this opportunity is limited, who can get it sooner. As long as there is a chance, you can get it. Certainly we also have lots of communities in social media, including Facebook, Twitter, telegram and KakaoTalk. 

All Cryptocurrency will get good grades and very high scores when it has many communities that are ready to support the system progress that has been developed. The Velic system is also the same as any other cryptocurrency that needs community and this is a good reference because Velic has many communities. In looking for coworkers, we also have to work together to achieve one goal. Velic was very competent and saw this opportunity to achieve success for Velic. If we see coinamrketcap then you can see the word "ICON" or with the symbol "ICX". ICON is very helpful for the development of VELIC and this is a perfect collaboration. ICON is also in the top 50 of Coinmarketcap and certainly has a lot of money for ICON. Velic also does not want to be a coin that is not used by traders and surely with the support of ICON, VELIC will be able to compete in the Coinmarketcap top 100.
VELIC Platform provides a comprehensive solution for cryptography that delivers the highest quality cryptographic services under a single integrated user account.With such a paradigm, Velic highly upholds security for its users who already have an account. Then the account must also be protected with strong security and must be able to maintain the assets of the users. Because Velic is a centralized system, there are certainly lots of hackers aiming for money and this is a safety test done by Velic before launching on the cryptocurrency market (It's been tested periodically with a strong team).
Our services are built on innovative secure storage infrastructure that simultaneously offers security and accessibility - qualities that are usually mutually exclusive.It has been explained before that Velic is very high security in securing its users' cryptocurrency assets and it is certainly also the best pioneer in Velic's vision and mission. A work platform without having a security system, it can be said that the platform is very bullshit. Velic is very strict for the security system and this is the main goal Velic creates a high level of trust among users of Velic.
With a heavy focus on security, VELIC aims to change the crypto-finance experience for everyone. This is what must continue to be developed, namely the best experience for everyone so that they continue to exist in the world of crypotcurrency without any coercion. So, as much as possible Velic has become a hobby for its users because with Hoby everyone will not be bored, especially Velic is a source of work that can make money.

yo yo yo have you understood the partners, vision and mission of Velic?
If you don't understand it, then it's better to eat more so you can focus on thinking. LOL Just Kidding bruuuh!
If you don't understand the note above, you can remove the main telegram screen from Velic here:

If we talk about features in a drama, we have to make sure it is something that is always needed. Velic has also been created not arbitrarily a cryptocurrency company but rather leads to better features to be developed in the future. Here we can take advantage of these features to protect users and make it comfortable. Among the features we will discuss here one by one.
1. Vault
Securely store access to crypto assets. Includes key loss prevention and solutions for transfers of assets in case of extreme events. This system was developed because this way is one of them to keep securing when there is an extream disturbance, here we can explain that extream interference is auto sell or auto buy. Lots of Exchange that always happens like that and that can be handled by Velic.
2. Exchange
Deliver the best cryptto asset trading experience and environment by hosting a safe and transparent crypto-to-crypto trade service. This stage is the stage that all Velic development teams must do because the main purpose of Velic is to make Exchange and others. Exchange is very good for the future of Velic, because Exchange is very good to continue to develop and can generate a lot of money compared to coin making or tokens.
Borrow or loan crypto assets at preferential prices. Borrowing is a system that is known from antiquity and still has to exist until whenever and until the world ends because the loan must be legal to pay or debt debt and debt do not overload the consumer, someday we also have to understand because this is a business and there is certainly something to do with lending and borrowing. LOAN is also very helpful for investors who have little funds but have smart knowledge and vision and mission who are able to create business opportunities. Velic highly respects Loans because this way the user is very easy to interact with the platform from Velic.
A range of investment products is used to achieve varying degrees of exposure to the crypto assets. The more types of investments made by platform, the better for survival in the future and Velic offers many investments in the platform that has been created. We already know that Velic already has a vision in creating tokens, exchanges and loans, so there have been various Velic platforms that have been developed.
5.Crypto assets
All of these services will be based on Crypto Assets. Lots of people who abuse from all understanding in a project based on cryptocurrency. Suppose that Ripple was created purely for cryptocurrency but many say that Ripple was designed for bank finances. This perception must be immediately eliminated if Velic is like that because real Velic is designed specifically for cryptocurrency and this is the main choice of Velic. Don't let Ripple's mistakes repeat to Velic. LOL

Do you understand yet the features of Velic?
If it's correct, we will continue to discuss the cryptocurrency financial solution from VELIC. uyeaahh!!!

The solution to a problem is certainly there and this will be a tough choice for the company. But this must also be done or must really exist because the company is impossible without a solution. The solutions offered by Velic are very diverse and this must also be known by investor investors investing in Velic. If we look at the outline of the solution provided by Velic is Security, Account and Finance Platform. Very simple to write down, but if explained, it must be very clear because it includes financial security in Velic.
Decentralized asset storage solutions, robust and proven systems that ensure reliability and accessibility. Must always be the best because someday there must always be perfection. Security must be unified because it concerns the assets of the users and that is the full responsibility of Velic.
Users can access all of our products and services through one account, which is fully integrated. An intuitive and user-friendly interface that provides multiple services on one platform. Like the picture and the appearance of the Velic website, it is always friendly and definitely the best compared to other rivals. I admit that there are things like this that make Velic the best for everyone. This is the main trick that must continue to exist for Velic so that the bias makes it more friendly for the users.
For Professional and Institutional investors, Blockchain is on-chain transactions to ensure transparency. There is one option for this to the user, just like this Velic account uses companies or individuals, with this makes it easy for Velic to make organized systems have large and small ones. It is more appropriate to group funds but for all services it is equally leveled.

Before I end this article, I will conclude from Velic's outline discussion.
-Crypto Asset
-Finance Platform

I hope you can enjoy this article and this can be the best choice for you to choose a wise investment. DYOR!

This is the link to view  VELIC  Project:

Official Website               :
Whitepaper                   :
Bitcointalk Ann           :
Bitcointalk Bounty    :
My Bitcointalk Profile :;u=1276250
id Bitcointalk         : damsix
My Telegram     : @dam_six
My MEW      : 0x176D3D99BebD91F4Acec3B804D911CcA1D0483a7
Email         :